Continuing the reviving of old mixes from the first Deep House Archives website, we offer "Sound, Forms & Colors" by Theo Z. This time instead of a blunt description of the mix, we'll repost the description of the set, back in may of 2001 (oddly enough it also holds today).
During the last years we have all witnessed a vast growth of the 'deep house' scene; releases, producers & djs have proliferated at a hard-to-follow rate. This overproduction frenzy may seem to many like a trench knife, since enough of the 'deep stuff' that comes out today lacks soul and originality. Nevertheless, certain producers and labels still push back the boundaries of this style of music and keep the deep vibe alive. This month's mix focuses on releases that have made a statement towards this direction; swinging between tough beats and mellow chords, and moving from uplifting to moody melodies, the last issue of DHA works well on the Saturday late-night crowd...and provides a nice background for the Sunday coffee talk.
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Here's the tracklisting for the mix
oneiro – shhh!!! (circles and circles of sorrow) (intro) - classic
nigel hayes - ode to odyssey - sunshine
rom - ibis vermelho (ernest saint laurent’s frisco mix) - rythmix
big muff - pornstar (dozia & king’s deep dub) - razor & tie
st germain - rose rouge (blaze early shelter mix) - blue note
alex gopher - the child (kenny dope bonus mix) - solid
detox twins - love shared (rob’s no ears dub) - music for freaks
night source - rise above - naked music
yann fontaine - open your eyes (new phunk theory mix) - low pressings
timewriter - here comes the sun - plastic city
g-pal - more than beautiful - plastic city
nick holder - love ‘em leave ‘em - nrk
taxi - people come runnin (needs remix) - infracom
roy davis jr - michael (love from san francisco mix) - nuphonic
(stream at 192kbps) - (download at 192kbps) - (cue file)
(front cover jpeg) - (back cover jpeg)
Ow yes!!!
I got this mix back in the day and played the cd so much that it is dead.
So happy that I can replay it again!
Houden zo die handel!!!
Keep cool
This is such a great mix. I've played it a million times and have it on my iPod.
I didn't have the CD cover, so I've grabbed that this time.
Keep up the good work!
One of the first mixes i got from your website years ago, but the quality was not very good (realmedia file) but i loved it so much like the previous poster that it doesn't play due to overuse now so great trip back to some delicious tunes.
Thanks a Lot For Giving These Tunes some fresh air.
Ps With the cue files i need to remove quotation marks in title to play them under foobar so if anyone else has problems that's what to do. Don't know if this is common problem but works now. :)
a classic...
let us know if you spin anywhere around socal, you have a following!
Good compilation of tracks & great mix technique makes to this Mixset one of the best deephouse mix that i could ever listen!!
PS Finally i got it in one piece perfeclty ripped!!
I am so glad to see that you are back in action. I downloaded this compilation when it was first released and listened to it hundreds of times, gave it to friends, etc.
I hope you realize that you are more than a dj - you are an arranger and composer!!
Ernie G
reminds me of the old times' summertime back in the days.
lovin it!
cheers teddy!
thanx for adding "stay in the loop" as friends :)
keep the good music alive. greetz from Poland.
Best Deephouse mix ever! I downloaded it for the first time 10 years ago!!! damn.. getting old ;-)
Wow, a massive smack of nostalgia. Like everyone else here, this mix is timeless and brings back fantastic memories. So glad it's still kicking around.
It's legend. Downloaded it so long time ago and listened for so many times... We used to have a barbecue every Saturday with my friend, listening to it till morning. Beer in hand, glowing coal, sky full of stars and in the morning veil of fog wandering thru meadow. Nostalgia is kicking. Thank you very much for creating such timeless piece of expirience.
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